Award-winning screenwriter, writer and journalist Anna Rita Santoro has been recognized by the 2020 Global Short Film Awards for her outstanding new book about the life and career of legendary Italian filmmaker, screenwriter and director Federico Fellini. Ms. Santoro’s latest book, Fellini: Dreams and Reality – A Psychographic Profile, is a special edition to be released on the 100th anniversary of Fellini’s birth, and covers his life, films and dreams. In Ms. Santoro’s unique style and approach to her subjects, she also delves into Fellini’s visionary film scripts, which were very much ahead of his time, and widely acclaimed as some of the most brilliant works in cinema. The 2020 Global Short Film Awards are honoring Anna Rita Santoro as Outstanding Screenwriter, Writer & Journalist. In 2019 she received an award at the Global Short Film Awards Gala in Cannes, France for her book on former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro. Visit Anna Rita Santoro on Facebook.