The delightful short film Matty Boy was named the Best Drama Comedy Film at the 2021 Global Short Film Awards. The announcement was made by the GSF Awards founder and director Andres Aquino during the prestigious event’s 6th annual awards gala in Cannes, France.
Matty Boy has won 134 awards to date at international film festivals including Rome International Movie Awards, Oniros Film Awards, Hollywood Gold Awards, Across The Globe Film Festival, New York Movie Awards, Cult Valley Global Cinefest, Wales Film Festival, Onyko Film Awards, Istanbul Film Awards, New York Cinematography Awards, Cooper Awards, French Riviera Film Festival, Gona Film Awards, Los Angeles Film Awards, and more.
Matty Boy is about a highly suggestible man who mistakenly marries a second wife, thinking that his first wife is about to die. But he then realizes that his first wife has been given a misdiagnosis and his second wife doesn’t want to leave. He then has to face the consequences of having two wives on a journey which takes him on a twisting and turning comic roller coaster of a ride beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
Matty Boy was co-written and directed by Dr. Shahid Kamal (Cinnamon, Take the Chocolate) and co-written and produced by Dr. Samir Srivastava from the UK, and stars double Emmy award-winning actor Vincent De Paul (Poseidon, Hitch, Hairspray).
Visit the film on Instagram and Facebook.